Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning
Contrary to popular belief, wills, trusts, and estate planning are not just for the super rich or extremely wealthy. Charles Briggs is an experienced estate planning attorney, so no matter your situation, he is here to equip you with the appropriate knowledge to make the best decision about the future of your estate. If you have not yet taken the steps to save your family and friends the added grief of cutting through legal red tape after you’re gone, please call us today to discuss our estate planning services.
We Specialize In:
√ Consultation and Preparation of Wills
√ Power of Attorney
√ Living Wills and Healthcare Issues
√ Inter Vivos Trust
√ Probate Disputes and Other Litigation Services
√ Guardianship of Minors and similar issues including incompetency issues
√ Nursing Home issues

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