Real Estate
We are experienced and accomplished in real estate law, and we know how to facilitate real estate transactions in Surry, Yadkin, Wilkes, Alleghany Counties, and throughout Northwestern North Carolina. Whether you need a foreclosure attorney or need legal assistance with any kind of real estate transaction, we work with buyers and sellers who are faced with real estate legal issues in a variety of different situations.
We Specialize In:
√ Residential and Commercial Real Estate Transactions
√ Mortgage Refinancing and HUD Issues
√ Farm Loans, including chicken house contruction loans
√ Construction Loans
√ Boundary Line Agreements
√ Right of Way Agreements
√ Title Searches
√ Equity Lines
√ Deed/Promissory Note/Deed of Trust drafting
√ Real Estate Contracts
√ Real Estate Litigation
√ Leases
√ Foreclosures (lender only)

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